While sitting in the Pirate Bar in Utila Honduras waiting
for the World Cup to begin, I quickly noticed a girl, Jules, who I had met
earlier in Antigua. After speaking for a moment she quickly turned around to
speak to someone else and that is when I noticed it, a tattoo outline of the
world. I, along with many other backpackers, quickly told her how awesome it
looked. She also said that she planned putting a red dot on all the places she
has traveled. While sitting at the table looking almost hypnotically looking at
her tattoo every time her back was facing me, I realized that I had finally
gotten the inspiration for the "travel" tattoo that I had been
thinking about since my trip to Thailand. She told me that she had gotten the
tattoo from Mike at Tattoo Antigua in Antigua, Guatemala. I realized that if I
was going to do that it would have to be a tattoo of the entire World including
the specific countries. I also knew that I would like to color in each of the
countries that I had traveled to. I went back to Antigua and got the outline of
the world done by Mike and then got the countries colored in by Jake of Natural
Mystic Tattoo in Pineville, Louisiana. The following pictures are of my initial
tattoo and the progression of coloring in the countries. 40 counties so far
with hopefully many more to follow.